Rana Ayass

Psychosocial School Counselor

متخصص في :

-BA in Education of Math and Science
-Masters Degree in School Psychosocial Counseling
-Currently majoring in Clinical Psychology (2nd year)

الشهادات :

المؤهل الأكاديمي : Masters Degree in School Psychosocial Counseling
Completion of the training components of the Protect Ed program (Kidproof)-
-Completion of the courses on “Psychological First Aid: Depression, Anxiety, Psychotic, Psychotropic” series of webinars organized by CDLL – Cénacle De La Lumière in collaboration with Notre Dame University of Beirut
-Completion of the training on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) organized by UNODC (to be provided when available)
-Delivering workshops on Mental Health topics

الخبرة المهنية والعملية:

عدد سنوات الخبرة : 24
-Teaching Life Science for Middle and Secondary Classes for 21 years
-School Counselor for Middle and Secondary Levels for 3 years and still

متخصص في :

-BA in Education of Math and Science
-Masters Degree in School Psychosocial Counseling
-Currently majoring in Clinical Psychology (2nd year)

الشهادات :

المؤهل الأكاديمي : Masters Degree in School Psychosocial Counseling
Completion of the training components of the Protect Ed program (Kidproof)-
-Completion of the courses on “Psychological First Aid: Depression, Anxiety, Psychotic, Psychotropic” series of webinars organized by CDLL – Cénacle De La Lumière in collaboration with Notre Dame University of Beirut
-Completion of the training on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) organized by UNODC (to be provided when available)
-Delivering workshops on Mental Health topics

الخبرة المهنية والعملية:

عدد سنوات الخبرة : أكثر من24سنة
-Teaching Life Science for Middle and Secondary Classes for 21 years
-School Counselor for Middle and Secondary Levels for 3 years and still

Introductory video

التقييمات :

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new Review
Previously evaluated